Expert Leak Detection for Homes and Businesses
Reliable solutions for underground water leaks, slab leaks, sewer, and gas leaks. Save time and money with our expert services!
Reliable Leak Detection Services
We are a family owned business local to Birmingham. Our commitment to quality and exceptional customer service sets us apart from the competition. With over 30 years of plumbing experience we can diagnose and help treat your underground water leak problems.

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Why Choose Us?

Unrivaled Expertise
Our team of skilled licensed plumbers possess unmatched expertise in their respective fields, ensuring that you receive the highest level of service.
Local Service
We value your time and understand your issues need addressing. Being local to the area ensures we can get to you in a timely manner, sometimes as soon as same day service.
Confirming solutions
We understand that every home is unique, we have several different methods to detect and confirm a leak as closely as possible to its source.
High Water Bill?
Have your water bills been climbing for no apparent reason? Let us survey your property to check for leaks. Some leaks are not as obvious as you might think. Don’t Delay! Prompt action can save you time, money, and water damages.

Contact Bama Leak Detection Today
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Bama Leak Detection LLC | 384 Mountian View Rd Unit F, Springville AL 35146 | (205) 517-7800